What Is the Cost of NeurOptimal®?
A superior feature of the NeurOptimal® neurofeedback system is the design. It allows the consumer a greater range in price points in training with NeurOptimal®. This flexibility is because the neurofeedback program is fully automated, which means the expertise comes from the feedback between the device and each trainee's brain, so no expert technician is required to be on-hand during training sessions and no QEEG brain mapping is necessary either.
Is NeurOptimal® Effective?
The effectiveness comes from the relationship between the brain and the software interacting. It is therefore suitable for in-office professional use, as a home neurofeedback program rental that is self-administered, or as a product that can be sold directly to consumers. What does that mean for the cost to consumers for NeurOptimal® sessions?
It means that the consumer can choose between three price options: in-office sessions, which tend to be most expensive given the need for expertise and the overhead costs; a home neurofeedback rental; or purchasing the equipment outright, which is the most money upfront, but over time is the most cost-efficient.
With all three neurofeedback price options, clients don't have to worry about impacting the quality of their training. The NeurOptimal software is the same on all devices, whether used by professionals or consumers at home.
How much does it cost to do neurofeedback?
Do you get better neurofeedback in an office?
With the NeurOptimal® system the answer is no. Given the design of the software, the expertise is in the software, not in the person administering the session. Regardless of where you train or what you pay per session, the training will always be the same expert-quality so long as the instructions for running a session are followed.
A common question is, "Does that mean everyone is getting the same neurofeedback program? " No. As we will discuss, having the technology fully automated does not mean that everyone receives the program. Program is a misleading word because it implies a static process--the same thing every time.
The NeurOptimal® Difference
The NeurOptimal® software is Dynamical and designed to be responsive to each brain's millisecond by millisecond brain waves, which are measured as electrical voltages. Those brain waves are translated by an amplifier into numbers, which is what every EEG measurement device does. They translate the electricity into meaningful numbers called brain wave frequencies. The mathematics behind NeurOptimal® is looking for changes in those frequencies. When it finds changes, the system sends a "pay attention" signal within a microsecond to alert the brain to its own changes.
Those patterns are often habitual and the source of our less-than-optimal experiences, such as lacking focus, being irritable, having a hard time managing our sleep, worrying too much, etc.
The alerting process is through precisely timed interruptions in the music that plays during a session. Listening, rather than seeing, is the brain's natural way to notice environmental changes because we can listen even when we're asleep. The system is designed to utilize the organic way the brain tracks changes. So when the music stops, the trainee is alerted to pay attention.
"We can change what we can see," would be a fundamental principle behind NeurOptimal®. If something is left unseen, like our habitual patterns, then they can't be changed. We can't do something differently. A good analogy for how the process works is to think of what can happen when you look in a mirror. If your head is slightly tilted but you aren't aware, you automatically straighten up when you see your reflection. NeurOptimal® acts like a mirror.
So, to go back to the question of: is it the same training for everyone? The answer is no-- the same way everyone is going to see something different when they are presented with a mirror.
Each trainee's brain is the expert, by design the brain knows how to use the information to optimize itself.
The active part of NeurOptimal® is what you and your brain decide to do differently. The brain is designed to be adaptive to changing conditions.
The principle is called neuroplasticity. It is a dynamic structure and changes its hardware, the neurons, and their connective synapses when it learns.
Watch Video: NeurOptimal® Explainer Video
Regarding pricing of sessions, depending on where you are in the US or the world, the costs can vary but a quick google search can give you an accurate idea of in-office NeurOptimal® session prices near you. NeurOptimal® sales, whether to professionals or consumers, is done through sale representatives.
The price of purchasing will not vary because NeurOptimal® only sells their devices directly and have no wholesaling and no variations on pricing.
Now to look at the cost of in-office, rentals and NeurOptimal® sales in more depth.
In-Office NeurOptimal® Cost
Depending on which city you are in and the level of expertise of your trainer, in-office NeurOptimal® range from $95-$200+. Zengar Institute, which makes NeurOptimal®, has a trainer certification program that all trainers must complete. Some trainers are also certified or licensed in other areas of health and wellness and may charge more. In our offices in New York and Los Angeles, and with our partners in Denver and Boulder, the rate is $120-160/session depending on the location.
At-home NeurOptimal® Rental Cost
Each provider sets their own price for their rentals. Typically they range from $650-$1000 per month and may include a certain number of sessions for that month or be unlimited use. Over the years, since starting our home neurofeedback rental program in 2012, we refined our pricing to best meet the needs of our different customers.
Some are individuals, such as stressed-out professionals, who don't have a lot of time to train each week but manage to get in one or two sessions. And at the other end are the entire families training multiple times each week. We ended up with three packages of monthly training to capture that range. The costs for those home rental packages are $650 to $950 a month. We also give clients the option to switch plans if their needs change during the rental period.
Why The Best Neurofeedback System Might Be A Rental
Another factor in the cost of renting is how long the client rents a system. Most of our clients rent for two or three months, and occasionally upwards of five or six months. A recent survey of our happiest customers showed that they rented for three months.
When clients ask us how many months they should rent for, we focus on educating them so they can know when the right time to return based on their goals. We educate clients on the benefits, understanding the reasons they are training, and encouraging them to use the checklist to track their goals.
We have found empowering our clients with information about typical results, as well as encouraging them to track their own experience, gives them the information they need in order to know when they are done with training. We have 48 neurofeedback home devices out with renters every month and they have left positive reviews on their results and the quality service we provide.
Is it difficult to learn how to use the equipment? The time needed to learn how to use the equipment is about 15 minutes, and we have rental coaches assigned to each client to help with any questions. To find out how to get the most out of your training, read our blog.
NeurOptimal® Purchase Price
Because this device is considered a General Wellness Device by the FDA it can be sold directly to consumers without a doctor's referral. The NeurOptimal® sale price ranges from $7495 to $10,4000. Because it an investment, some clients will try a few sessions in office or rent for a month first and then purchase once they decide they like the training. These clients are ready to dive right in to purchasing as soon as they do the math and realize it is the cheapest neurofeedback training option in the long-term.
Professional Neurofeedback Equipment for a Clinic or Home
All NeurOptimal® neurofeedback devices for sale are the same technology but they offer it in two versions, a pay-as-you-use NeurOptimal® system, and an unlimited-use system, which is called the Professional Bundle. Even though it's called the Professional, the unlimited-use system can be purchased by individual users as well as professionals.
Which neurofeedback system for purchase is the most cost effective for you? If you are an individual or family and plan to use more than 400 sessions over your lifetime of brain training then the Professional device is the most cost-effective system. Or if you are a professional, the unlimited use is obviously the most cost-effective. There are no on-going membership fees and, unlike other neurofeedback systems, you own the equipment and license out-right.
Read Also:
Natalies Story – Why I Brought Neurofeedback to My NYC Therapy Practice
what does a good neurofeedback device cost?
A good neurofeedback device gathers the lightening-speed electrical communication from the brain and feeds it back almost in the same millisecond that it is happening so there is accurate real-time data for you to use. This kind of technology does not lend itself to a lower-end sale price.
As example, the latest version of NeurOptimal® 3 took six years to refine and had multiple former NASA engineers working on it. There are devices on the market calling themselves neurofeedback that are in the $200-$400 range but are not in the same category of technology as NeurOptimal®.
To look at its value from a different vantage point: a good neurofeedback device is one that helps you reach your wellness goals, whether cognitive/ mental or emotional goals. Then the question for you is: what are you willing to pay for support in reaching those goals?
The main benefits NeurOptimal® that clients report are:
increased calm,
- being better able to focus,
- improved executive functioning,
- helping with sleep management, and
- with emotional balance
- increasing creative flow
- feeling more joyful
- worrying less about their problems
If these benefits are part of your goals then NeurOptimal® is worth exploring for you. What would you pay to get support in meeting those goals? It costs people a lot of money to be sick and to under perform in life. How much do you have to allocate to your wellness and how important is it? It's also a matter of what is valued. Do you value it enough to pay up to $150/session and to put in the effort of scheduling 45 minutes of your time twice a week?
The decision is yours and if a conversation with us would help you decide, reach out and schedule a free consultation or use the Chat Widget in lower right corner to ask your questions directly to one of our experienced neurofeedback trainers and rental managers.