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Peak Performance in music - Enhance Learning With Neurofeedback

Musicians are the first to say that mind and body synchronization are essential to peak performance.  I had the pleasure to sit down with Alex Lambert, drummer and neurofeedback trainer, to discuss how neurofeedback has influenced his skills and experience with music and increased his overall learning.

A Musician's Review of Neurofeedback Training

Having played drums since childhood, Alex has played in indie rock bands, such as Multitudes in NYC and Blame Game in Atlanta, and taught music for many years.  Since 2016, he has also been doing neurofeedback training and found it allowed him to enter and maintain flow states while playing as well as decreased his performance anxiety


READ ALSO: 3 Tools Anyone Can Use to Increase Peak Performance

Why NeurOptimal Neurofeedback?

Looking for a cutting-edge technology to significantly upgrade your life, relationships and work performance?  Brain training with NeurOptimal®’ can help:

  • You feel more confident
  • With sleep management
  • Increase mental focus and acuity
  • Improve relationships (especially when multiple family members are doing sessions)
  • Give a greater sense of self, happiness and well-being


How Neurofeedback Can Help With School Learning

Does Neurofeedback Training Last?

Doing NeurOptimal® sessions is similar to learning how to read! Once you know how to read, you can’t not know. So yes, it lasts. 

Is Neurofeedback Safe? What about Side-Effects?

Unlike other systems, NeurOptimal® does not train states of consciousness. Indeed, it does not do anything to influence any outcome. Instead it is up to your brain to use the mathematical information it receives, or not — as it will. For this reason NeurOptimal is an extraordinarily safe tool for self-optimization. How does NeurOptimal work?

What Are My Training Options?

NYC neurofeedback trainers are available for your needs. Contact us here. If not located in New York. Click here to find a neurofeedback trainer near you. One can also rent a home system that provides the same training as in-office sessions. 

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